Friday, June 29, 2007

What's Another Word for Evil?

The strongest asset a conservative has is his or her blind loyalty to their leaders. This also is their Achilles heel because Bush and Cheney’s incompetence will surely cost them the next election. Cheney doesn’t have to worry about elections anymore. He has stated that he will not run for President. I don’t see him relinquishing power though. Kissinger once said, power is the ultimate aphrodisiac. Looking at that grim turtle of a man, one can see that Kissinger needed all the power just to get laid.

But I see Cheney as completely sexless. The man has no joi de vivre, just an obsession with power. Power for him means no checks and balances, complete secrecy. You just have to trust him. Of course, his track record is shit. The Iraq war is a catastrophe. Cheney has lied every step of the way. He has ignored Geneva Conventions and brought back torture. He has pushed for spying on Americans. In short, he is the worst politician our country has, with no one willing to stop him.

I had a boss who was friends with Dick Cheney. The boss was completely removed from reality. He came into work, but really didn’t do any work. Mostly he treated the place as a fiefdom. And at the weekly meeting he would regale us with his wisdom. Now, I do the same thing with my blog, but you can surf to another site with a click of the mouse button. My co-workers and I had to endure his pointless pontificating.

He talked about his dinners with Cheney with obvious pride, oblivious to his employees rolling their eyes. A couple of years after I left that job, I went to a party that they had also been invited to. At some point I got into a discussion with the wife who screamed at me, “You don’t know what you are talking about! He is a brilliant man!” She then told me, Cheney would be vindicated and there was some stuff that she knew but couldn’t talk about, et cetera, et cetera. She was the epitome of conservative loyalty: unquestioning, quick to anger, deceitful and completely nuts.

Our government was built with a solid base with the checks and balances. And although Cheney has done his best to dismantle it, luckily, his and Bush’s incompetence has hindered them somewhat. There is a possibility that Cheney will do a power grab when his time is up, but thanks to his demoralization of the military, he will not have the muscle to back it up. I know that sounds paranoid, but I could not have believed way back when they were elected what they have wrought in the years they have been in power. Let’s just say I will heave a big sigh of relief when they are booted out.

1 comment:

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